A Chick-fil-A logo is seen on a take out

(Originally published on 08.03.2012)

Have you been keeping up with the drama going down at Chick-fil-A? If not, you might be wondering what’s going on if you happen to stop by this popular chicken joint today. Although the restaurant chain has always been run on "Christian values," recent statements by the CEO has put Chick-fil-A at the center of the continued debate about marriage equality. 

Here’s how things have unfolded:

July 16, 2012: CEO, Dan Cathy, made a controversial statement in an interview to the Baptist publication, "Biblical Recorder" where he said he is "guilty as charged" for running his business on biblical values, including supporting the biblical definition of marriage.

July 20: The Jim Henson Company, which provided toys for kid’s meals, ended their partnership with Chick-fil-A and the CEO, Lisa Henson, directed all monies received from the company to be donated to GLAAD.

July 23: The mayors of Boston, Chicago and San Francisco wrote letters stating the chicken chain is not welcome in their cities. 

July 26: Mike Huckabee jumped on the bandwagon and urged Christians to visit Chick-fil-A on August 1 for an Appreciation Day. Rick Santorum, Sarah Palin, Billy Graham and other public conservative figures also joined the chorus of those in agreement with Cathy’s opinions.

August 1: Thousands of supporters flocked to the chicken chain to show they support Chick-fil-A.

August 3: The LGBT community is organzing a National Kiss-In today. Gays and their supporters are encouraged to visit a Chick-fil-A today to share a same-sex kiss.

What do YOU think? Which side of the debate do you stand on? Did you attend either event at a Chick-fil-A in your neighborhood? Share your experience in the comments.

(The views contained herein are solely the views of their respective authors, and do not express the views of TV One. TV One does not take responsibility for their content.)